Rejuvenate Your Body, Mind, and Spirit!
The secret art of inviting happiness, the miraculous medicine of all diseases...
Just for today, do not anger, do not worry and be filled with gratitude.
Devote yourself to your work. Be kind to people.
Every morning and evening, join your hands in prayer.
Pray these words to your heart and chant these words with your mouth.
Usui Reiki Treatment for the improvement of body and mind.
- Dr. Usui Mikao, Founder (1865-1926) Japan

Rev. Dr. Angela Heil - REIKI Master and Teacher
Reiki is an ancient system of healing using the Universal Life Force. It's not based on belief, your faith, or by the power of suggestion. Reiki is gaining worldwide recognition. This energy can help reduce stress, ease tension, support the body's natural healing functions, and help heal the client on the emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual levels.
Reiki healing energy is transmitted through the Masters Hands. The healing energy has it's own innate wisdom to guide it. The Reiki Practitioner-Master becomes a vessel for this Universal Life Force Healing Energy as it travels to the area in most need of rejuvenation. Reiki energy can be sent over long distances,too. The session is pleasant, and relaxing without side effects. Many clients incorporate, and utilize Reiki for their own personal wellness daily, not just when they are sick.
Learn to help yourself by registering for Reiki One Classes. You can progressively reach greater levels of well being. The Master passes the energy to the Student through the Attunement Process. You learn how to use Reiki energy on yourself, and perhaps share it with others in pain.
The Reiki has three levels of advancement. Level One for the beginners, Level 2 for higher learning, and advancement; Level 3 for the Master Attunement.
Each level features hands on coaching and practice in a comfortable tutorial setting. Limiting students to only six participants ensures a personal atmospher for learning, and interaction.
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience"
- Pierre de Chardin
Rev. Heil, DD, and Reiki Master offers Reiki Healing Sessions daily by appointment only!
Please contact us for class schedules held each month.
See you soon, and may your days be pain free! God bless you , and keep you-always!
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