Happy Couples Testimonials- Enjoy!
Rev. Ang.
Again you have outdone yourself. You are an amazing person with lots of humilty in your heart. You are a nurse by profession and a priest by heart. Ernesto and I thank you for doing a wonderful job at our son's christening. We love you very much and with blindfolds we will recommend you to the world. Stay blessed. Thank you tons for everything and our apologies for the late start again. Also thanks for the pictures. I didn't get pics of the food tent so you did great. It was really nice seeing you after 5 years again. Xoxo Samantha Rosado
Rev Dr Angela Saladino Heil <marryusrevangie@gmail.com>
Hello, Thank you so much for performing a beautiful ceremony for us. You were wonderful to work with and as soon as we have another baby we will be calling you again to do another blessing. Thanks for the pictures! xoxo, Lilie - [London's #baby blessing on 3312 @#Lombardi’s on the bay -patchogue] ================================ |
Rev Angela;
====================================end of 2011===================
Rev Dr Angela Saladino Heil ;
Thank you for celebrating our special day with us and for your wonderful pictures. It really turned out to be a nice wedding. We appreciate everything.
Thanks again,
Melissa and Rich Caserma 103011
REv. Angela;
It sure does. BTW, thanks for making our day really special! Charlotte Lee 10211
Hi, Angela, thank you again for performing our ceremony-everyone said they enjoyed it..
Rev Angie:
My moms are amazing! Rev Heil you were just as amazing! Thank you for such a wonderful ceremony you performed for them!!!xo Elizabeth Dixon 9711
I just want to tell you that the Dixon service was incredible. It was touching and poignant.=====================
Rev Angie,
Thank you so much for the beautiful ceremony and the pictures!! You capture a lot of special moments and the keepsake is so pretty.Once again - Thank You!!
Carol Tran 9511 Atlantis Marine worldThank you so much Angela! These photos are wonderful! We're really happy
with the way everything went, considering the bad weather- it was terrific! Glad you were part of our special celebration....thank you again for everything!
Hope to see you again soon!
Xo Dreena
Dreena Kutch 81411
Thank you so much- everything was perfect …---------------------------------------
Hello! Thank you so much for the pictures! You did such a wonderful job at our ceremony! Everyone has been telling us how the anniversary box was such a unique idea! We will definitely recommend you in the future! Thanks again! ~Danielle & Jermaine Felton 73011David Greene
Rev Dr Angela;
Thank you so much for everything. Everyone loved what you did for us..Lindsay and Albert 7811
Rev. Angela; Thank you so much for marrying us and being a part of our special day. The
ceremony was beautiful and romantic and our friends thought it was beautiful as well. Once again thank you!
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph and Nicole Waiksnis 62111 Coram Chapel
Rev Angie;
I want to thank you for the awesome job you did today Officiating our wedding..Everyone loved it.. We will keep in touch. Thank you again..Love Danielle and David B. 61111
Rev. Angela; I'm stubborn and always wanted an outside wedding. I was gonna get it no matter what. Lol. Thanks rev angela! You were out there with us in the storm! You are our hero :). Thanks for giving us our outside wedding..Jenn F. 6/9/11
Thank you so much for the beautiful pictures Reverend Angela! Thank you too on the wonderful job you did at my wedding.Thank you! Louise and Philip H. 52811 New Rochele
Good morning Angela!
Brian and Ilona Coram Chapel 51411
Dina Fey- Sorrentino 5711
Cooperage Inn
Rev Dr Angela Saladino Heil; Thank you so much. You did a wonderful job & we're grateful that we found you to share our day. We'll definatley keep you in mind for any other occasions..Love Dina & Mike 5/1/11
Rev Dr Angela;
Thanks Angela . It really was a blessing to connect and meet you. God is Amazing! Thank you and many hugs this Easter. Ilein and Edwin 42311 CORAM CHAPEL
Rev Angela;
Thank you so much for the beautiful pictures. Thank you for sharing and making our wedding
day so wonderful! Melanie Hodge Randazzo 4/2/11
Rev Angie;
Thank you so much for your gift and for being so wonderful. Melissa 2/17/11

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